
Making jewelry with natural gemstones is something I love doing, collecting and sharing stones with others who share this love is another!

I've collected stones and crystals for over 45 years and have never lost the amazement I feel when looking at one of these pieces of Mother Natures work.
I live in an area that I believe has exceptional beauty: at the base of Mount Hood in the State of Oregon, and most people who live or visit here agree.
I’ve been through some extremely traumatic events in my life and have had stones help ease the pain in more than one occasion.
My intentions for creating jewelry from natural gemstones are for the wearer to feel positive energy, in the form of healing or just the beauty of the stone itself bringing enjoyment to ones life. Any moment one can feel something positive is one less moment they have to feel something negative, and in my opinion positive moments need to be created as often as possible!!

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